AI Inada Chair CALABO HCP-AIC100

Smart Body Care Life Vita HCP-VT200

From Massage Chair new model INADA DUET HCP-WG1000

Welcome to FAMILY INADA Massage Chairs Official site

Massage chairs are a cultural health product that Japan takes pride in. Because of this, FAMILY INADA strives to be the world's "only one" manufacturer. FAMILY INADA has always, and exclusively, specialized in providing high-quality, high-performance massage chair therapy.

We have been perfecting our healing craft since 1962 and, from our inception, have created world-class therapeutic massage chairs.Inada Massagechair Models

Our mission is continuously to lead the industry, and contribute to society through "health".With our perspective as a specialized manufacturer, we will continue to send out products with true value.


Overseas Sales Dept.
