The future of home medicak xare haz begin home medical vare equipment FamilyInada Lupinus

From Massage Chair

通信ネットワークが実現する 健康管理の新しいカタチ。


An unprecedented form of health management is realized by installing an industry first communications network that allows you to recognize the health conditions of your family at a glance and develop health management practices.
Notification function

The health conditions of each family member are managed by data

Daily blood pressure, weight, and pulse are managed using the tablet. Recognize the health conditions of your family at a glance. Also, pulse measurement is accompanied by stress management, and if there is a big change in the values, you will be notified by text and light. Additionally, advice is given according to the values.
* For measuring blood pressure and weight, optional external equipment 1s necessary.


Full-scale health checkup

Full-scale monthly health checks can be made

毎月の本格的な健康チェック Health checks are made by combining the answers to about 50 questions and the data used by THERAPINA once a month. Your current health condition can be grasped, and advice is given to improve your lifestyle habits. Compatibility with yearly comprehensive medical examinations including examinations of blood, feces, etc., will be added in the future.




Supporting your family's health through various programs.

Metabolic syndrome checkup

Grasp invisible visceral fat

ヘルスグリッドCheck your visceral fat and subcutaneous fat conditions from your height and arm thickness by using HealthGrid's big data. Lifestyle guidance is also provided.






Delivering new program

The latest massage programs are delivered in real time.

The latest programs in pursuit of effects by FAMILY INADA, who continue to research massage techniqu es together with professional acupuncturists, doctors, and universities, are delivered in real time. You can always receive a new massage. Also, a comprehensive medical examination function (from 2017 onward) and new services using big data are planned in the future, so THERAPINAwill continue to evolve.

Weight challenge course

A course that challenges you to manage your weight while receiving advice to reach your goal.
* For measuring weight, optional external equipment is necessary.

Health check by symptom

Select a symptom that you are concerned about and answer the questions so that health advice and the recommended massage course are displayed.

Dementia check & training program

Questions to check for dementia are displayed and brain training is available.


体重チャレンジコース 症状別の健康チェック 認知症チェックプログラム&トレーニングプログラム

Receiving health information

The latest medical information useful for daily health management is delivered from the perspective of preventive medicine.
* Medical data and medical research data from clinics, universities, and big data companies are provided.


Utilizing big data

Data utilization is planned for the development of programs that match people’s needs, maintenance, and malfunction analysis by collecting and analyzing THERAPINA’S operating status.


Overseas Sales Dept.
